DVD - The Flower Carousel - the mechanical doll
Dozvíte se také více o práci s polymerovou hlínou Fimo Puppen, správném postupu vypalování a doporučení umělce.
New Master Class - mechanical doll Flower Carousel. The new DVD contains detailed information on creating dolls. The construction of the mechanics, how to assemble, everything gradually in stages. Wire skeleton of the doll, connection details, drawings of mechanism of the carousel, decorating doll in details, creating of the costume and costume patterns. You can also find answers to frequently asked questions about the shaping hand from baking polymer materials. There is a whole scheme of modeling in pictures and correct proportions. You'll also learn more about working with polymer clay Fimo Puppen, proper firing procedure and artist's recommendations.
Language: RU
Masterclass by Annadan, who will teach you how to make a doll - mechanical carousel