DVD - Bird of Paradise
Tutorial on DVD gives you the opportunity to learn and work according to your own pace and eventually again and again to return to some of its passages according to your needs. This is the main advantage of master classes on DVD.
There is presented work with fabrics - their selection according to materials and designs, creating pattern and basic details of costume, work with stockings and creating shoes, sewing and decorating. You'll learn how doll head was created, preparation for painting, tinting and color scheme, how to do painted eyes, gilding. The dvd will show you all materials and stages of working on the doll, costume designing. You will learn to make a corset, skirt, work with beads and gold thread, to create applications. A separate section is devoted to the technology and procedures of assembling a special decorative cap and its decoration. The course is tinged with music which creates a pleasant atmosphere.
Language: Russian
Time: 120 minutes