
Adamczyk Golaszewska Renata
About my dolls:My name is Renata Gołaszewska-Adamczyk and I come from Poland. I graduated from the Faculty of Art Education and from the Academy of Film & Theatre Make-Up. For many years I worked with children with intellectual disabilities as a caregiver, teacher and occupational therapist. One of the methods I used in my work was art therapy and one of my initiatives was a project called a Magical Journey in which I used makeup techniques to do makeovers. It allowed me to fulfil some of the dreams of the children in my charge, to make them feel for a while as a beautiful actress or as a character from long ago.
I have been working as a doll artist since 2012. I made my first doll for my daughter Hania. Motherhood awoke in me many old memories. The emotions of children and people with intellectual disabilities are always genuine and therefore beautiful. Through my dolls I’m trying to show that the external beauty of a person comes from their inner beauty. My dolls come from a land dearly missed and fondly remembered by grown-ups: the Land of Childhood.
My dolls are very personal. My purpose in using this form of art is to show the beauty of a person. However, I don’t focus on the external, but the internal characteristics and emotions. I would like people to see that true beauty of a person flows from the heart. And if it is genuine, it never passes away.
I have shown my dolls in collective and individual exhibitions. Many of them have been bought by collectors.
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Agel Esra
Esra Agel is primarily a scientist; a veterinarian and has a PhD in medical microbiology. She currently lives in Istanbul. She worked on and practiced many art forms including mosaics, porcelain sculpting (flowers, dolls etc.) vacuum clay, modeling and many forms of molding. She works in layers as each of them presents another art form therefore her works create more than life subjectivity. Each layer also consists of many different materials (silk, chiffon, pearls, crystal beads etc.). She tries to tell a story through a multidisciplinary artwork with her dolls made as a single copy (one-of-a-kind) which are absolutely unique.
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Akin Ozlem
Özlem Akin is a doll artist and a filmmaker from Turkey, based in Prague, Czech Republic. She was granted her bachelors degree with her award winning first puppet film „gemeinschaft" in Istanbul and moved to Zlin to study traditional animation. She started making dolls during her studies, developing similar techniques she uses for making stop motion puppets.As well as making dolls and films, she's also teaching doll / puppet making and animation workshops.For her dolls, she is working mainly with polymer clay, but keeps exploring new materials and techniques.
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Ala Lucky
Alla Luckyanova currently lives and works in Toronto (Canada), where she moved after travelling around Russia, Ukraine and Germany. Having demonstrated early and vivid interest to the modelling and creation of outfits and obtained later the profession of engineer-technologist of clothing manufacturing, Alla spend years working in in the fashion and interior design. Passion for doll-making started in 2005 and combined variety of acquired artistic and technical skills. Her one-of-a-kind art works are grouped by different themes such as Flamenco dancers, silent film actress or young girls from Rococo and Baroque epochs. Alla applies different techniques and materials including Efaplast, Paperclay, and Flumo porcelain. Dolls have been presented on various exhibitions in Toronto, Moscow, Prague and Kiev, and currently are hold in private collections in Europe end America.
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... is an union of two artists Alina Voroshylova and Alena Pirtozhok, founded in 2014. They are authors of art dolls, designers of cloth accessories and participants of international exhibitionsin Ukraine, Spain, Georgia, Germany, Lithuania. Their works take place in private collections all over the world.
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Allison Shelly
Shelly Allison is an artist from the United Kingdom. She has been creating sculptured rabbits since 2006.
She has combined her love of rabbits with the creative skills she gained after studying fashion design and textiles at Art College. She has achieved her dream of creating anthropomorphic rabbits dressed in fine costuming.
The rabbit sculptures are created on an armature, with some movable body parts . Faux fur is used for the outer skin, with the rabbit colour and profiling created through airbrushing.
Taking inspiration from period costume she dresses her rabbits in waistcoats, cravats and full length coats, Shelly likes to use silk fabrics for clothing her creations, and she loves to blend colours.
Shelly's rabbit dolls can be found in private collections worldwide. She has several pieces in the Spielzeug Welten Museum in Basel Switzerland.
All rabbits are created as a single copy.
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Amosova Světlana
Svetlana comes from the family of a military engineer. The childhood and youth of the craftsman was spent at the space site Baikonur in Khazahstan. She received her diploma in Moscow University of Aviation specializing in practical mathematics, so she was bound to be connected with space exploration in her perspective profession. But her fate took another turn.... A hobby, that never seemed important – doll making, decided on her future profession. So since 2006 Svetlana has taken up doll making professionally. She has created quite a considerable number of original doll series: "Little France", "Politics in the sand-basin", "Children of my yard", "Fairy- tales", "Colors of the word", "Pin-Up Girls". All of these works have been noticed by the fans of doll making and took a prominent place in their private collections.One should mention the time-consuming and careful work of the craftsman with the dolls' facial expressions. Sad, offended, love struck, mischievous, dreamy and even bored KIDS – all compose the doll world of Svetlana Amosova.At present Svetlana resides in Kiev, Ukraine. She has her own workshop – "AMO-SOVA", where she works at the doll sculptures, so dear to her heart.
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Annadan is rightly considered in doll art as one of the most vibrant icons of Eastern Europe. She lives and works in Kiev, Ukraine. In the past she worked in theater costumes. At Artist University she studied costume design, which is seen in her precise work and focus on the incredible amount of wonderful detail in each piece. Her work comes from the world of fairy tales and dreams. They are unique in their unmatched tenderness and gentleness. The positive energy emitted from them is unmatched. These dolls light every place they are displayed - whether it is a modern or antique interior. The author puts into the dolls all her love and professionalism in sewing, embroidering or decorating with antique jewelry and laces. The works are made by hand, always in a single copy. Many of her works fetch the highest prices.
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Ashumova Vafa
Vafa Ashumova comes from Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. The last 6 years she has been living in Prague. She has always been interested in painting and drawing. A few years ago she absolved the professional course of art dolls of the world-renown artist, Mrs. Kunin from Israel. Since 2011, she has been creating art dolls with all her heart. The author’s works are inspired mostly by mysterious and magical atmosphere of Prague. She regularly participates in the international exhibitions Doll Prague, where her works attract not only our attention. The author prefers romantic ideas, which help to soften the present reality
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Bajaníková Viola
Viola Bajanikova currently lives and works in Dunajska Luzna near Bratislava. She is an architect by profession. Many years of devoted work in conservation. Textiles always evoked in her association to play with dolls as a child. It is a material that inspired her to create at any circumstances. Originally it was to create costumes for the dolls, later creating original clothing for herself and her children when her memories returned back to her childhood and dreams and desires of a little girl about dolls and beautiful clothes for them. In the period when she cared of her two young sons, in an attempt to create a "doll" for boys, she had been charmed and inspired by theatrical puppets and puppet theater , which led her finally to create a puppet theater, and to establish local amateur theater group. Since 2001 she began to fully focus on own authorized handcrafted dolls and fairy tale characters, creating their costumes and accessories for them and creating puppets.
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Baluda Julia
The artist - doll maker from Ukraine takes part in many international exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad. She studied decorative arts, paintings, prints and other art forms. Doll making she started in 2011.Julia creates in a distinctive and recognizable style. Her doll - it is a wonderful magical interplay of characters, good souls and spirits who are fascinating by their pathos and originality. Dolls are born thanks to the imagination of the author with deep meaning, having their own stories.Her favorite materials for creating dolls are Paperclay and Paper-maché. Special attention author devoted to painting, the choice of colors and their combinations, and drawing the smallest details.
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Bartoňová Michaela
Michaela is an artist and puppet designer from Czech Republic working freelance for the last 20 years. Her works were exhibited around the world in Belgium, Germany, Australia, Sweden and Syria, Japan among others. Her puppets, objects, dolls and life size figures, acrylic, watercolor and ink pieces are often poetic, humorous, abstract and nonsensical in equal measure.Michaela teaches puppet design focusing on the aesthetic properties of puppets. She has initiated, arranged and lectured lessons and courses on Communication through Puppets and Puppet and Imagination.
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Bezusko Ludmyla
Dolls have been my passion for many years. In creating each one of them I always try to give them a personality, to express the character and emotions – things which fascinate me so much in people.
I think that creative works should be close and personal. I would like my dolls to have a heart and soul. To give them a warm and familiar feel.
I always use natural materials, like natural linen, wood, leather, feathers, cotton and wool.
In my artworks I use antique clockworks, keys and other metal units to make my dolls imbued with the spirit of antiquity and peculiarity.
My works have been purchased by collectors from Ukraine, Czech Republic, Russia, Lithuania, Serbia, Germany, Switzerland and Poland.
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Bondarenko Valerij
Valery Bondarenko - author of artistic dolls. He lives and works in Ukraine. All his works are unique - they are created in a single copy. He works with wood, paper, clay. In his work he uses antique fabrics and techniques of Japanese masters. His works are stylized as antique dolls.
He deals with many art directions, including grotesque sculpture. He is the winner and laureate of many international awards.
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Brabencovi Marta a Petr
Marta and her husband Peter belongs among the most popular Czech authors of dolls, of puppets as well as. They deal with theater, carving, puppetry and dolls art more than 30 years. Their mature work can boast in individuality, precision and love that inspire each new creature made of wood, which comes from their workshop.
Marta BrabencováBorn in 1945 in Prague, Czech Republic11 years stage designer and creative artist of puppet theatre plays15 years book editor5 years creative editor in the publishing house
Petr BrabenecBorn in 1945 in Prague, Czech Republic12 years cabinet maker and woodcarver23 years craft restorer and preserver in Národní technické muzeum (National Technical Muzeum in Prague)
All-wood articular (jointed) dolls - classic
These dolls appeared more frequently in 18th century as the alternative to very expensive porcelain dolls. As well as these they have got joints in neck, shoulders, elbows, hips and knees (picture No. 1). Mechanics of joints is led down into the back of the dolls. Here it is possible either to tighten or to let out the tougness. In contrast to original dolls present dolls do not have painted faces and hairs, in our case everything was replaced by precised wood-carving and therefore each piece is a unique original. In such way we make all supplements, properties and sceneries.
We divide these into 2 cathegories:- decorative - focussed on visage and intended for your interior. They have less joints.- theatrical - intended for playing, they have more joints necessary for gestures, their construction is more resistant.
Independent exhibitions
2001 - Gallery of Vlastivědné muzeum in Slaný - Wooden World in Fairy Tales2003 - Gallery of Obecní muzeum in Rakovník - The World of Little Prince2005 - Gallery Pod lampou in Prague - Myths and Legends
Czech Doll 2000 in Strakonice
- 1st place in cathegory - Scene Free Theme- 1st place in cathegory - Doll made of Hard Materials- 2nd place in cathegory - Fairy Tales and the Story
Czech Doll 2001 in Blatná
- 1st place in cathegory - Dolls up to 20 cm- 2nd place in cathegory - Doll made of Hard Materials
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Brabenec Štěpán
Stepan grew up from his childhood in an artistic environment of puppet theater, which influenced his whole life. Thanks to his talent and the parents soon began to focus on creating puppets. Later on he was also addressed by the articulated art dolls. At present he make both, puppets and articulated art dolls made of wood. A large number of his works received the highest awards. STEPAN very elegantly combined old Czech puppetry tradition with contemporary and modern art doll.
Stepan BrabenecBorn in 1974 in Prague, Czech Republic5 years modeller for industry and design14 years craft restorer and preserver in Národní technické muzeum (National Technical Muzeum in Prague)
Pinned dolls
Pinned dolls (Dutch dolls) appear at the end of 17th and at the beginning of 18th century and in fact come from Austria. These are also known as penny woodens and Nuremburg filles coming from Bavarian and Austrian Tirol. We use this technology entirely to create miniatures where we cannot use any other articulated joint (due to proportions and material - wood). Separate joints are adjusted in wedge link which with its tightness allows fixation in selected position. Our dolls correspond to the original dolls with the technology of construction only, this we enriched in some articulated joints by cotyle links - silicon bed kept by rubber to express the gestures better. Below pls find the examples.
All-wood articular (jointed) authorship dolls
The same as in previous cathegory, however we put it into the story of known little figures which come to life in our concept and creative manufacturing. It has mostly to do with the scenes with different supplements which help to tell the stories. The function of our dolls is to evoke the smile in your faces and the wish either to chuck or to nurse these little figures. Their movable joints enable to express various gestures, moods and emotions thanks to which they try to bring to your life peace, quiet and so necessary smile.The wood has one basic skill - it warms when you look at it. There is no else material with such ability at all.
Silky insolents as I call this cathegory arised as the image of one amazing girl Tereza which at the moment fights with this period of time. She knows everything best, she is very critical, convinced of her true. This cathegory and style can be described by no interest in anything generally acknowledged: dismissive quiff over one eye, black and white seeing of the world illustrated in their eyes (in the eyes of those who from time to time look at us when we adults do not exceptionally gibber). Then deep colours which do not correspond with their bicolour views at all. The whole cathegory is composed like teenagers going to carnival. Thanks to this it is possible to incorporate all these little figures into whichever story or fairy tale.
By gentle form I try to make fun of this style which more likely worries the people. I am showing it as exaggeration and parody of its absurdity.
Manga and comics
Manga is Japanese style of digital graphics, in our concept adapted into 3D wooden world. Together with comics they both create blend of styles, something between classical and modern interpretation of marionettes and dolls.
We divide these into 2 cathegories:- decorative - focussed on visage and intended for your interior. They have less joints.- theatrical - intended for playing, they have more joints necessary for gestures, their construction is more resistant.
Independent exhibitions
2001 - Gallery of Vlastivědné muzeum in Slaný - Wooden World in Fairy Tales2003 - Gallery of Obecní muzeum in Rakovník - The World of Little Prince2005 - Gallery Pod lampou in Prague - Myths and Legends
Czech Doll 2000 in Strakonice
- 1st place in cathegory - Scene Free Theme- 1st place in cathegory - Doll made of Hard Materials- 2nd place in cathegory - Fairy Tales and the Story
Czech Doll 2001 in Blatná
- 1st place in cathegory - Dolls up to 20 cm- 2nd place in cathegory - Doll made of Hard Materials
Doll Prague 2011
- 1st place in the main cathegory - William Shakespeare and his Era- 1st place in cathegory - Doll made of Hard Materials- 1st place in cathegory - Scene Free Theme
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Červenka John
Czech-Australian artist, illustrator and especially the author of hand-made toys and slot machines of unique design. Recognized authority in its field, a frequent contributor to many professional journals and other literature. His work is in many private collections around the world.
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Chmelařová Iva Raven
Popular Czech author and designer from northern Bohemia, belonging to the young generation of authors. Her works are popular both at home and abroad and overseas. Her fairies are a combination of human beings and forest animals that blend into one in her vision of the world. Uses fictional materials - textiles, modelling clay, wool and many natural materials. Her attitude towards nature, of which we are a part, is markedly seen in her work.
The author was awarded first place in the category - Fantasy Doll at the International Doll of the Year competition in Moscow.
Iva about herself and her work:
"With each doll I create a new creature - a new life with a soul I put into this "little" piece :)
I am fascinated by animals of all kinds: what we have in common… simply, we are all children of the stars. By the way, I'm vegan and you can trust me when I say, "all the materials I use are not animal tested and are totally friendly animals (no skin, no bones, etc.) This is one of my highest priorities!"
My second big hobby is everything old. Things and clothing with a "soul"
(Everything antique from the attic, I say.)
Have a nice day, don't forget to dream and I wish you a nice and magical year ♥ "
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Culea Medaris Patti
Patti is one of the best known American artists who makes cloth art dolls.
After high school, Patti studied art at Biola University in the Los Angeles area. While working as a fight attendant in Phoenix and in Japan she studied under various masters. After painting portraits for several years she began experimenting with fibers. Having two daughters helped her focus more on the human figure in cloth.
Patti retired from the airline industry in 1996 which has allowed more time to follow her artistic dream.
Today, Patti combines her love of fabric and dyes by creating beautiful cloth dolls and journals. She has developed her own technique in beadwork and many of her pieces show this. In addition to the above she has a full line of cloth doll and journal patterns.
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Daanen Ankie
Ankie is one of the most famous and admired doll artists. Her work is highly valued both in Europe and in the United States or Russia. She comes from Holland, but for many years living and working in Spain. She is a member of DABIDA and NIADA. In her works her positive view of the world is greatly reflected. Her dolls are living in a fantasy world. Each of her works is charged with a wit and originality.
Ankie Daanen about herselve:
I am proud and happy that you visit my website.I am Ankie Daanen...... with a passion for dolls with a soul.For more than 35 year I am a professional dollmaker, teacher and pupil, and almost every day I work on my dolls and try to make the ultimate doll that tells everything I want to say.
I like my dolls to be sad, happy and even mystic. That they give you the feeling to have a life and a soul and I hope that you recognize some of that in my dolls. I try to reach an intimate connection with the human spirit. And perhaps that transformes the doll in a piece of art. I hope so.
The basic of dollmaking is craftmanship, but it goes beyond this. Dollmaking involves expression and recognizing emotions, along with high-quality craftmanship and materials.That means for me "Dollmaking is a never ending story".I hope that you enjoy your visit.
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Filippova Alisa
ALISA is very talented artist who lives and works in Moscow. She started working with dolls in 2008. She works primarily with polymer modeling clay Living Doll lite. She loves this technique because it allows all her work to be made in a single copy.
Alisa participates in many exhibitions, both Russian and international. Her works are housed in private collections throughout the world, be it the U.S., Russia, Japan or Ukraine. At present, these delicate works are gaining admirers and collectors in Bohemia. Her works are melancholic and thoughtful, as well as very Russian in nature. Upon seeing Alisa's dolls, you are sunk into the romantic world of Eugene Onegin ...
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Gallea Elisa
Elisa lives in Palermo- Italy. She has been making dolls since about 7 years. She makes OOAK (One Of A Kind) dolls handsculpted in polymer clays- Cernit and Fimo- mixed together in different colours for obtaining different tones as the skin can have...She loves making children of about 8-10 years, having inspiration from real children, photos, illustrations or her imagination...She want represent the childhood with its several expressions and emotions, trying to give her doll a "drop of life" into their eyes...a soul...
Each creation want to communicate one moment in the childhood... she sculpts her dolls on a specific position, so the total body and face can transfer the featured atmosphere: an upset girl waiting for her dad...a lovely girl who is showing her favourite toy...two happy and smiling friends...a sad girl who found her bunny broken...Her dolls are about 60/70 cm. She uses only the best supplies: mohair or human wigs, German handmade glass eyes; natural eyelashes...she handmade lovely dresses in silk, velvet and other precious fabrics and fine laces, or uses lovely dresses for real children... leather Made in Italy shoes. Dolls come with furniture and accessories: a wood chair or an handmade sofa... silver mirror, cloth dolly, handmade toys and so on...
Each doll has an handsigned Certificate with doll photo and descriptio.
Dolls are sold in USA, Russia, Venezuela, Europe and Unkrain.
Looking at Elisa's dolls you can see the children world, feeling real emotions!
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Groothedde Nel
Nel is Dutch author of porcelain dolls well known to all collectors. Her works - always made in a single copy, have specific expression. Great professional arrangement of colors, costumes and positions are so unique that they impress in the mind to anyone who encounters them.
Nel Groothedde is a member of the Association of doll artists Benelux - DABIDA.
Making dolls is a way to express my feelings, you can do it making fantasy dolls, but I have the passion for making innocent faces of toddlers and young girls.It gives me such an unbelievable happy feeling to sculpt, so create. It is important that people recognize my work, that I have my own original style.I prefer to work with porcelain, but sometimes I make my dolls from paperclay.My dolls had brought me all over the world, Tokio, Dubai, the U.S., Lithuania, Estonia and ofcourse Moscow and a lot of dolls has found a new home there.Two years ago I was present at the first dolls exhibition in Prague and was surprised that so many people were interested in dollmaking.
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Gurina Tatjana
Tatiana Gurina currently lives and works in Austria, in Vienna. She is a professional artist. She graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts in St. Petersburg, branch The director of Dramatic Theatre. Creating dolls interested her since her childhood. Since 2002 creating dolls has become her main professional activity. Tatiana participates in many international exhibitions. Her dolls are in private collections in Russia, Europe and the United States. Tatiana believes that any art doll requires an individual approach, new technologies and materials. Therefore, also she uses in her work various materials (textiles, paper clay, papier-maché, wood, clay, metal ...). During thirteen years she has developed a number of original technologies which she shares on her teaching activities. Tatiana says: "My dolls can be very different, but for me it is important that they are always good and positive".
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Hodinková Hellerová Eva
Eva Hellerova Hodinkova, NIADA member, is a Czech puppeteer who lives and works in Cerna Hut near Prague. She studied at the Prague Academy of Performing Arts (2000 - 2006) and thanks to the solid foundations of traditional school, with her talents she could develop in several art directions. Her love of wood is significantly reflected in her current activities.
Eva is woodcarver, puppeteer, doll maker OOAK, stage designer and sculptor. Her wooden dolls are very well received in international competitions. They gained the attention of many professional juries, they are part of art collections in various countries. With their delicate beauty and natural materials, her dolls have already conquered many lovers of doll art.
Eva Hodinkova - about herself:
After groping around in my creative space, in my 18 years I have found an opportunity to revive mass.To create the illusion of living, sentient beings.The ability to evoke a puppet's emotion.I understood that this is my way.Beings are born through me who live their own lives ...
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Hoeboer Saskia
Saskia Hoeboer was born in the Netherlands in 1960. Creativity and Art are written in capital letters in her life, in the eighties it became a substantial part of her life. She started with sculpting but now she uses several methods (sculpting, bronze casting, ceramics, jewellery) and all possible materials. Her little elf sitting on the natural stones, shells ... are an integral part of contemporary modern interior design and collectors' collections.
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Iunina Natalia
Natalia Iunina lives and works in Germany in Duisburg. She is a professional artist, a member of the Union of Artists of Decorative and Applied Arts.She is also a member of the Global Artists Association - GlobalDollSociety (GDS) since 2014.From a very early age, she began to show interest in art, especially drawing and painting. In the doll she has began to be seriously interested during her studying since 2003. She works with various materials: contemporary polymeric materials, wood and paper modeling clay.
Iunina is a regular participant in the largest international doll exhibitions in Germany, the Netherlands and Russia. Her work is being repeatedly awarded with prestigious awards.
The artist often experiments with new materials and is still looking for new ways and possibilities. All her work is made in a single copy OOAK.The author's works are in private collections in Germany, the Netherlands, Russia, the United Kingdom, USA, Spain, the Czech Republic, Japan, China, Estonia and Australia.
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Ivaschenko Inga
Artist, designer, author of art dolls She has been a member of the Union of Russian Artists since 2008, a participant of the experimental art workshop "", Russian Academy of Arts. She has been professionally engaged in art dolls since 2000 . In 2009, she received the TSCHP Award for "Contribution to the National Culture" (note: "National Artist"). Her dolls are in private collections in Russia, Norway, France, Germany
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Jakovleva Valentina
I live and work in Ukraine, I have been making dolls since 2011. Why author's doll? Mainly it is because for me it combines different forms of art (painting, sculpture, artistry of couture and hairdresser and many others) - wide field for the manifestation of my imagination and skills acquired throughout my life. In my work I use a variety of techniques, I use both bake polymer clay as well as self-hardening materials. Each doll is molded by hand only. Painting – oil paints. In my work I use antique and vintage fabrics, laces and embellishments. I prefer natural materials. In my work I am inspired by Baroque and Rococo periods. Before I start to work on the image of the doll, I read materials on the theme to feel the spirit of the age. Each of my work is individual and is made in a single copy, only by hand. No copies or castings! When I am working on the costumes I use only glue and needle and thread. My costumes do not tolerate machine stitch! The motto of my work - to strive for excellence. I try to follow it. My works live in the collections of many countries. And I'm grateful for each collector. I am participant of international exhibitions, I have diplomas and I participate in competitions.
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Janovska Anastasia
Anastasia Yanovskaya is a talented artist from Moscow. She has enthusiastically carried out her unusual ideas since 2004. Anastasia's dolls adorn the collections of collectors both in Russia and abroad. They also participate in exhibitions around the world. For her dolls are typically soft, etheric facial features, just as if descended from the paintings of Flemish masters or illustrations from old Saxon ballads. Her dolls touch everybody!
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Kalinina Katerina
Graduated from the Ukrainian Academy of Arts, Kateryna has spent the recent decade for making art dolls, particularly wooden jointed dolls in the gesso technique.She lives and works in Kyiv, Ukraine, participates in major dolls exhibitions and saloons. Her works are kept in private collections, mentioned in art dolls publications, and presented in the galleries of Prague, London, and Moscow.
All dolls are one of a kind, hand carved from basswood. Their heads and arms are coated with gesso and are oil painted. Each doll has wooden joints. The small ones have removable clothes, knitted hose, leather shoes and toys.
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Kamerbeek Tine
Tine was born in Amsterdam, where she studied art at the royal Academy.
Since then she has been working at places where her artistic talents could be used. She worked in a pottery and a diamond cuttery engraving antique objects of crystal and many of these art pieces found their way into the world.
About 36 years ago she started her doll making career. Her work varies from tiny little elves to life size fantasy figures.
She prefers to work with air drying clays. An important part of her sculpting work is finding technical solutions for her demand of having "free standing dolls".
Since 1983 she has traveled to many countries to participate in doll shows like IDEX and Toy Fair in the USA, but also to many European countries. In December 2001 she participated for the second year in row in the yearly exhibit of Wachtanoff Gallery in Moscow, Russia, with great success.
Her elves flew all over the world and have become a precious collector's item.The prizes she has won are numerous. The first prize was for a Dutch magazine in 1980. In 1983, 1985 and 1986 she won first prize in Holland. In 1995 the first prize in Germany: the first Battenberg Kunstler Puppenpreis. Also in Germany the Max-Oscar arnold preis der Stad Neustadt bei Coburg.
"Through the expression, shape and position of the dolls I try to stimulate the imagination and draw the attention of those who look at them".Technical information:
The dolls are made of air-dry clay, strengthened with a wire frame and with lead in the feet in order to make the dolls stand independently. After sanding and polishing, the dolls are painted with oil paint and varnished several times.The silk and pastel shade clothes are home-made and match very well.The wings are made of a very transparent tissue which is first strengthened with thin wire and painted afterwards. All my dolls are one of a kind.
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Korosteleva Elena
She has been making ceramics her entire life, but in 2009 appeared magical wonderful world of art dolls, which completely overturned all her creative life.Since then she devoted all her talent, imagination, skill, heart and soul to the good and beautiful moving creatures that bring joy and smile to anyone who just look at them.Her art dolls not only attract a cute rendition of images of children, but they are exceptional also with their technological properties.
Firstly, dolls move - swinging their legs and heads, wave their arms or can jiggle the body. They need to be able to dance or sway to the tailstock and it's all thanks to a special patented system of counterweights, which the artist uses to mount the moving parts.Each doll has a certificate that is protected by copyright law.
Second, porcelain cast from the original mold is for the artist only basis for following hand crafting, which makes the doll goes through other major changes that give her unique.
The model is thus completed with other hand special techniques.For example, cast the doll's head is initially bare without ears. The author - with a manually created modeled details such as hair, very thin almost transparent ear, hand-cut grooves for gluing eyelashes, fine lines on the lips of dolls ... creates unique personalized beings. Each doll has in her hand the line of life, and destiny.
Of course, the author uses high quality porcelain Parian and Royal from Great Britain. Drawings on the doll are made with universal paints on porcelain (1050°C).
Elena is a winner of many international competitions and she was a participant in the 30 international exhibitions.Elena Korosteleva's dolls have been published in lot of press reports and shown on television.Her works are in private collections in the UK, USA, Ukraine, Russia, Australia, Germany, Italy and The Netherlands.
Now newly collectors and doll lovers of art in Bohemia have an opportunity to meet with her work in person at the Art cz Gallery and get them to their collection.
All dolls are made only in a single copy (OOAK) .
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Kunin Helena - Izrael
Helena Kunin - art historian, artist, teacher. A graduate of Moscow State University, majoring in "History and Theory of Art", worked in museums in Moscow, where she specialized in decorative arts and history costumes.
She started to create dolls in 1987. She devised a number of techniques and processes of working with polymer clay. Over the years, Elena has participated in numerous exhibitions in Europe and in the USA, she presented her work on several individual exhibitions. Elena's dolls has been repeatedly awarded by professional prize (including golden cup of Eberhard Faber for the best European doll from polymer clay and Awards for "Best Theme Collection" at the 1st International Doll Salon in Moscow).
More then 20 years Elena teaches doll skills in different countries. She has develop method of teaching author figures, which is designed specifically for people who do not have basic art education. In 2006, Elena has published a book of procedures: "Typical Dolls Made of Polymer Clay", which has been re-released several times.
The activity range of Elena Kunin if very wide: from metaphorical compositions up to the illustrations and portraits. The only thing that permeates throughout all is the material - polymer clay "Living Doll". In the last few years, Elena uses paints "Genesis", which guarantees high durability.
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Lazarenko Oksana a Sergei
Oksana and Sergei Lazarenko are masters of the wooden miniatures from Ukraine. Obtained artistic education and work experience over 12 years, has allowed to appear the creative duo. Their knowledge began to be used in work, developing author's technology, mastering the different types of wood and their properties.
Sergey is professional designer. He forms models and develops workflow. Oksana is miniature artist. In 2009, they moved from their native town Sumy to the picturesque village , to equip the workshop. Here, among the flowery meadows , dense forests , under the high hills that conceal their stories and legends of the rich historical past, their craft originated. Merged with nature , feeling the power of freedom , they have found their calling, which allows to express themselves, getting great pleasure from work. Artists are looking for wood with interesting textures, drying and treating it. Complexity of the technology is that each item is made by hand. It makes each doll unique, creates her soul and character, and allows it to be one and only.
Developing wooden dolls artists have created their own style called "Dryad Style".
"Dryad Style is style of our creativity. Creative union gave life to exciting world of our mind and soul . We are pleased to present our creations – dolls, who rather are invisible force of nature, reflected in our temperament. We combine different types of wood with metal and painting.
We live in the midst of nature and trying to be in harmony with it. It means that we are under the aegis of the Dryads of our garden and the forest in which we love to spend time.
Dryads are nymphs, patroness of trees.
We weren't looking for them , we didn't catch them. These wise helpers and supporters themselves came to help us through our consciousness into material world. Our dolls are charm gift of Mother Nature. Every character has a secret meaning, culture and mythical historical imprint."
Imagination, processing methods, taste and tenacity - this is the point of value of manual work. Positive energy of wood gives its heat to the work and continues to live in centuries.
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Lepichina Natalie
As well as Natalia Lepichina is the fragile and beautiful human being from Almaty (capital of Kazakhstan) - her artwork also radiates the fragile beauty of the spiritual world of people sho live in solid partnership with a nature. Her works are often presented in the individual large exposures, the aim is to hit our inner and raise questions of our own being. Each of her works has both artistic and human value.
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Lowe Connie
Professional renowned artist of the US. He is engaged in the production of resin BJD dolls. Dolls meet all the attributes of the BJD dolls. They have a removable wig, eyes can be exchanged easilly too. It is possible to place them in "human" positions. Each doll has a unique design that will never be repeated. Dolls are so charismatic that they are wanted not only by collectors from all over the world.
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Luna Iki Alvarado
Iki Alvarado Luna is a Mexican artist and the creator of the "Ever Shining Stars" Doll/Jewelry art concept. Ever Shining Stars concept explores the idea of becoming the true self to be ready to become a bright star that will shine forever. His works are based on his personal experiences as a form of conclusion and are intended for people to think about life and soul growth. Pieces such as "Battle of stars" and "Daffodil" have been awarded In nacional silversmith contests as the "Premio Nacioal de la plata Hugo Salinas" and the "Feria Nacional de la Plata". He graduated from the FAD(UNAM) in 2016 and obtained his Bachelor degree on Visual Arts.
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Mertl Aleš
Aleš Mertl - well known Czech puppet maker.
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Muchová Lenka
Enthusiasm for theater, fairy tales and above all
Lenka Muchová inherited the puppets in her own way
to a mother who worked as a costume designer
artist at the National Theater in Prague. In
1991, when the 200th anniversary of his death was celebrated
W.A. Mozart, was created by the management of the theater
idea for gifts in the form of rococo puppets
with a Mozartian theme and the title “Mozart
Prague" and were used, for example, for VIP guests
of the opera "Don Giovanni" in the Estates Theatre.
It was in the ND workshops that costumes were made for
the famous Oscar-winning film by Miloš Forman
Amadeus and was therefore even possible for
"mozartky" also use original fabrics that
we know from the movie. Everything met with great
interest and the whole family started making puppets,
Lenka, mother Ludmila and her actor husband
Otto Šimánek (Mr. Tau :-) ).
Lenka has been living at the opposite end since 1984
world, in Australia, where, of course, very
He dedicates and reaps the fruit of the puppet theater
successes, for example, with Czech fairy tales.
In Sydney, her puppets were sold in a local
The "Puppet Shop" and the opera shop were
presented at many festivals i
exhibitions across the fifth continent.
This active artist who brings
their mother culture to distant places,
she still likes and regularly returns to the Czech Republic
of the Republic and native Prague. Now Lenka
is preparing a collection of marionettes that will appear i
in our cultural stands and because
those interested in unique gifts also called, it will be possible
buy them.
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Nadtoćij Toni
Something about me ...
I live and create in the beautiful city - St. Petersburg. In one of the most beautiful cities in the world. As far as I can remember, my life was always connected with dolls. So my love for them intersects all my life. Creating dolls I started a few years ago. I attended courses with different materials. When creating dolls I need a lot of different skills and abilities. Useful is absolutely everything: ability to sew and embroider, weave braids and ability to apply make-up, the ability to sew shoes and create unique images. I love all of my dolls. During the creation of each individual doll I put in it part of my soul. I sincerely hope that each of my dolls finds a new home and a dignified place in the collection ...
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Oplakanská Helena
Living in the Odessa city in Ukraine. Artist By profession.Lena is a member of the Artists Union of Russia.She participated in many international doll exhibitions.She has publications in different countries : Spain, America, Russia, France, Belgium , etc.Her dolls are in private collections in Russia, Europe and America.All the author's works are in a single copy .Each doll has its own unique mood and emotion, its own fabulous, fantastic story .For most Lena's dolls is characteristic ghostly , dreamy and trembling sadness .Dolls make a feeling of romantic, light and airy creation.In the work, the artist uses material Living Doll. Suit is usually made of antique fabrics and laces.
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Ovchinikova Tatjana
Tatjana Ochinikova known Russian artist artistic cloth dolls and cloth paintings also interesting textile decoration.
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Pinchuk Peter
In Western Europe, as well as in the East, this is a highly-acclaimed artist whose dolls are part of the most famous collections in the world.
The creative biography
Peter Pinchuk is a film and video director, artistic director of the theater and cinema, a man with a great professional experience and charisma. He is the author of original art dolls that have no peer.
He graduated from the Greeks Central School of Arts and polygraphic Lvov Academy - Faculty of graphic arts.
His professional career began in 1978; he served as the artistic director of more than 60 productions and performances in theaters in Ukraine and the former Soviet Union. He collaborated with Maris Liepa in the Kharkiv Opera and Ballet, directed three one-act ballets - "Hamlet," "Seeing Rose" and "Romeo and Juliet" in 1991 along with VPTO "Videofilm" (Moscow) collaborated on ten-part movie "The Magical World of Ballet", starring Vladimir Vasiliev, Ilse Liepa, and as an actor - Yuri Nikulin. Video films, "Nave i Jave" and "MIZERERE" where Peter Pinchuk worked as a director, received prestigious awards at the International Television Festival. Many years of work in theater, film, television and participating in many exhibitions of paintings and drawings - these are the stages of his creativity. He's a permanent participant of international exhibitions in Moscow, Paris and Prague. His paintings have been purchased by many foreign collectors. His artistic dolls are part of private collections in Switzerland, Russia, in the collection of Makarevich, Ernst and other famous collectors.
International Doll Salon in Moscow 2005-2006.Exhibitions in the Museum of Applied Arts, Moscow DPIInternational Salon of Puppet Art in France (Sevres in 2006)
Thematic exhibitions of Karina Shanshieva's galleryExhibitions "Art Dolls" in the Moscow prestigious exhibition house "Manege"In Moscow Central House of Artists 2005-2006International Art Doll Salon in Moscow 2006-2011.International salon of art dolls "Kyiv Fairy Tale" in 2010 - 2011
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Pivňuk Tamara
Tamara Pivnyuk was born and live in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. During the school years sheattended the school of fine art for children, and then graduated from the faculty of architecture ofKiev State University of Construction and Architecture. However her engagement in architecturewas not long - she was captivated by graphic design and then for several years worked inadvertising and promotion. She had made her first doll in 2007 and in 2008 for the first timeparticipated in the International Doll Fair in Moscow. Little-by-little doll-making became her newprofession. Tamara makes her dolls using porcelain and various kinds of textile in her own studio.Making of a doll takes from one to six months. Specific features of porcelain applied to refinedelegant characters make each of her works unique and valuable.
Member of NIADA (National Institute of American Doll Artists).Member of National Union of Artists of Russia.Winner of professional doll-making competition "Dollart-format 2013" (Moscow, Russia).Winner of Helen Bullard Award at Quinlan Artist Doll & Teddy Bear Convention (Philadelphia, USA, 2014).Curator of doll art projects at "KievTeddyLand" exhibition (Kiev, Ukraine, 2012).Columnist in "Pretty Toys" international magazine ("Dolls in the house", 2014).Permanent participant of international doll exhibitions.Works by Tamara Pivnyuk belong to numerous private collections in the USA, Russia, UnitedKingdom, Czech Republic, France, Sweden, Kazakhstan, Ukraine.
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Pobedina Natalia
Natasha Pobedina one of the most well-known artists, who create art dolls and figurative art.Natasha was graduated from Moscow Pedagogical University, where she studied Art. She olso studied costume history in Moscow theatre institute, and took classes of sculpture in Stroganovsky institute of art. She creates her unique dolls for more than 20 years.During this time , Natasha held several solo projects and took part in many exhibitions in Russia and abroad. She is a member of such professional organizations as NIADA, ODACA, BDA. Presently, she heads the Moscow Association of Doll Artists.Natasha loves to experiment and creates not only new doll images , but also some new stiles. She uses different materials: porcelain , clay, paper-mache, plastic, that helps her in search of new forms and methods of expression.A professional approach to the creation of sculptures and love for historical costume- this is what distinguishes the dolls by Natasha Pobedina. But the main feature of her work - is a special sensuality, tenderness and depth of the images.
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Popova Olena
Olena Popova, an Ukrainian artist living in Kiev, is the author of legendary chess pieces that have found admirers in many countries around the world. She is the winner of the Visitor's Award at the international Doll Prague exhibition, where she first brought her collectors and admirers of doll art to her attention.
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Sacharova Oksana
Oxana creates dolls since 2008. She began working with porcelain in 2011. She participates in many international exhibitions, for instance "International Doll Salon", "Art Dolls" in Moscow , "Nukukunst". "Doll like an Art" in Tallinn , "Time of Dolls" in St. Petersburg , "Panna DOLL ja" in Minsk.In 2013 she was awarded with an International Doll Salon prize "Pearl of the Salon".In 2014 she became a laureate of one of the most prestigious prizes - Pandora Platinum in the category "Doll from Traditional Materials in Limited Edition".
The theme of her work is the beauty of women in different eras. In each historical period had female beauty its own preferences that the author uses like an inspiration. Therefore, before it becomes author's image of perfect beauty, she focuses on the history of fashion, browses exhibition catalogues and study traditions of each particular era. The beauty of her dolls is hidden in a harmony. While working on the doll she focuses on achieving the harmony of lines, colors and textures. At the time when she succeeds, the work is not only beautiful, but can reach the heart. And if you are returning to a doll again and again, and each time you reveal new details - then the author has achieved its goal - a doll will live for a long time!
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Salvador Ana
Ana Salvador was born in Barreiro, a small town on the side of the river Tejo, facing Lisbon, in Portugal. Nowadays she lives in The Netherlands in the city of Amsterdam. Since an early age Ana started showing interest in art, especially drawing and painting. Her passion for sculpture came later, developing more seriously during university years. Throughout this period she could improve her skills by attending classes in sculpture, model sketching and painting. Ana Salvador has a Bachelor's degree in Communication Design. Nowadays Ana dedicates her time mainly to sculpture.Ana's inspiration comes from a large variety of sources: the human body, antiques, ornaments, fabrics and laces. Furthermore art nouveau, Victorian, pre Raphaelite, symbolism, gothic and other ornate styles. Tim Burton and other fantasy artists also stimulate her creativity. Each one of Ana's sculpted figures is unique with a personality of its own, representing a gesture forever frozen in time. In her dolls she evokes feelings of strangeness, innocence, dream, and hidden sensuality.
member of DABIDA, NIADA
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Sběralet - Collector - Коллекционер
Offer of a doll from a collector. Gallery works here only as an intermediary.
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Scattolini Laura
Her works are valued around the world as a beautiful, timeless, sophisticated, classic work.
Laura, herself, is as beautiful inside as out. She is a soft-spoken, gentle person and this is reflected in the tender, precious faces, she so carefully sculpts. Each is a one-of-a-kind, lovingly produced by one of the great artists of our time. She lives in the beautiful countryside in Italy with her husband, son and daughter. And there she spends every minute she can creating her beautiful dolls. She is inspired by photographs, magazines, television and children she sees in her neighborhood and wherever she goes. When she gets an idea in her mind she is very excited and can't wait to begin the piece. She is an extraordinary sculptor with such skill and desire to create the very best and continually strives to make each one better than the last. Her figures have beautiful faces, limbs, hands and feet and everything is carefully executed. They are made of polymer clay with cloth bodies which are stuffed over a wire armature which enables Laura to pose the piece exactly as she sees it. Laura's dolls stand with grace and always beautiful and natural lines. She uses a soft pallet of colors, often everything is one color such as in "Pearls" or "Clouds". The wigs are gorgeous - the finest available, the eyes are also the best available.
Her desire is to create beautiful children, as real as she possibly can and her stunning creations are collected and treasured all over the world and by celebrities such as Robin Williams, Richard Simmons, Demi Moore, Ron Howard and Celine Dion even gave one of Laura's dolls as a wedding gift to Barbara Streisand. To own one of Laura's dolls is a collector's dream and the highlight of any collection.
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Sukach Olga
Olga is a professional artist from Moscow. She is a member TSXR (Association of Artists of Russia) She graduated the Institute of Art and Culture, Faculty of Arts and Crafts. She has also become a professional in the field of artistic make-up, stylist and makeup artist. Dolls began to engage in 2006. She works with current materials, pape-mache and wood. For the production costumes uses antique fabrics and lace. The artist is always looking for something new, experimenting, mixes stylistic solutions.Olga's dolls - these are delicate girls with tender soul, a fatal beauty and mystery of its own. Observer in the works of the author perceives a special magnetism, nostalgic music and soul of each individual doll. All have their own character, their own history. They simply encourage for the dialogue. We do have something to say to these dolls and they converse with us ..."It is not enough to give them a beautiful face, Olga says, you need to give them an emotional charge." Doll can not be empty. "From where my dolls come? I do not know. It is a mystery for me how the image appears ... from dreams, captured the child's sight, from a piece of antique lace, of all that what is imprinted in my heart. "Olga's work is honored with many awards and diplomas. Her dolls are in collections in Europe, America and Russia.
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van Ooijen Marijke
Marijke van Ooijen was born in 1960 and since she can remember, she always spent materials, paper and creative skills.Since 1992 she make's dolls. She has developed her own distinctive style. Marijke make's animal figures also as human figures.The human figures are grandmothers, children and nostalgic circus figures.Each doll is unique, and what always emerges in each doll is romance, nostalgia and her love for antique materials. Marijke calls her dolls little creatures, they are made of Fimo Clay.These are later painted, and to decorate this dolls gets a lot of attention.Materials are carefully searched together.
Marijke's dolls and bears are meant to make everyone happy and put a smile on everyone's face..
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Vassa Tina
Tina Vasa - author from St. Petersburg, who stands out of a range of classic art doll authors. Her unconventional artistic rendition of dolls not only reveals considerable personality of doll art, but also the artist of unusual formats.Dolls are manufactured by combining different materials, surprisingly harmonized into one unit.The dolls are made by hand in a single copy - OOAK
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Venzhega Olga
Olga Venzhega lives and works in Germany. She made her first doll in 2008. All works are performed in a single copy. Olga is a regular participant of major international exhibitions such as "Art Dolls" (Moscow, Russia), "Time of Dolls" (St. Petersburg, Russia), "Teddy Land 2" (Kiev, Ukraine), "Fashion Doll" (Kiev, Ukraine), "Doll spring "(Münster, Germany), "Fusion Doll" (Baku, Azerbaijan) and so on. in 2012, a solo exhibition "The illusion of reality" in gallery "Parsuna" (Kiev, Ukraine) has been held.Awards: "Doll of the Year" by the magazine The Puppet Master (Moscow, Russia) in 2009 and 2010, "The best doll" in the project with MOAK (the international association of doll authors) (Moscow, Russia) 2013.Her works are in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Israel, Japan, UK, USA.
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Verhelst Marlaine
Marlaine Verhelst lives and creates in the Tilburg in The Netherlands. Since 1999 Marlaine is a NIADA (National Institute of American Doll Artists) member, an international organisation with doll artists from all over the world promoting dolls as art. Marlaine also is one of the founders of DABIDA, the Dutch and Belgian Institute of Doll Artists.
Marlaine Verhelst started dollmaking in 1976, just after finishing the Art Academy where she studied Graphic Design. Marlaine's dolls are characterized by the naive and strong characters. They were in her mind when she started making her own dolls and still are her source of inspiration for keeping it simple: don't add too many details and don't use too many ideas in one piece.Marlaine's other motto is: don't stick to conventions. If a blue horse suits a doll better, she makes a blue horse. Dare to be unique.
Maybe Marlaine's background as a graphic designer makes that she still creates dolls that tell a story: three-dimensional illustrations of imaginary stories. She never uses existing fairy tales or characters for her pieces because she has the feeling that it is not creative to copy an idea someone else came up with.
Marlaine Verhelst started making her dolls in air drying stone clay but after a couple of years she switched to hand sculpting directly into porcelain. She thinks porcelain is more professional and longer lasting and she likes the surface better. It is a difficult technique though.
At a certain point Marlaine started adding animals to her dolls, again to tell stories with them. She revives such her three-dimensional images of the new dynamic elements.
Marlaine has created a very distinctive artistic style, which is followed mainly by the young generation of artists from all the world.
Owning her doll is as much a matter of prestige for galleries and collectors as for lovers of modern art. Whether you opt for any of her works, you can never be mistaken. You will fall in love very soon with her kind-hearted, sometimes a bit naive creatures that spread around peace and humility.
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Voga Ziva
We are a Slovenian couple, Živa Voga & Saša Rojak, a creative duo, living and working in Austria. We are translators and handcrafters, who believe that the recipe for happiness is a mixture of good deeds, listening to your heart and desires and ... believing in magic.
After a few years of making Waldorf dolls and needle-felted fairies, we decided it was time for a step in a new direction and started making paper clay sculptures. The main idea behind our sculptures is upcycling: old teacups, coffee grinders, lamp shades, sugar bowls, door handles or old fabrics are given a new lease of life. 2015 ended with an exhibition and at the beginning of 2016, a fresh wave of inspiration hit us... dandelions!
Dandelions have inspired us for a long time; not only are they a symbol of transformation, they also have a beautiful story associated with them. Every child knows and believes: if you make a wish while blowing on a dandelion clock, it will come true. The more we thought about manifesting this legend, the stronger we felt that there must be something more to this. The picture soon became clear: we created little Wish Messengers, tiny Fairy Brooches, you can take anywhere you go! They sleep in the dandelion flower head until its yellow petals turn into a silvery white puff. Only a good wish can wake them. Right before a breath of air blows away the delicate seeds like tiny parachutes, a Wish Messenger quickly grabs one of the seeds and thrusts it into the soil. And when a new dandelion flower grows from it, the good wish comes true...
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Winter Ingrid
- Is a German painter and author of porcelain dolls, formed with the proverbial precision and attention to detail.
For making dolls she uses different materials and techniques, especially porcelain. She loves elaborating figures up to the smallest detail, also in costume design.
She has been led to the perfect work with textiles by her courses in fashion and costume design at the
Fachhochschule Hamburg. Although she describes her textile creation as follows: "My haute couture
is produced in much smaller scale!"
The author also focuses on painting simultaneously. Her portrait paintings go compared to the trend
against the downsizing. She loves her oversized proportions for which she seeks balance in a
distinctive color intensity.
The diversity of both artistic disciplines creates a tension that gives the artist the opportunity to create
Painting has influenced the creation of dolls in approaching with colors and shapes. On the contrary
plasticity and faces and bodies typography of her three-dimensional works greatly influenced her
Inspiration for her doll making are random and can not be specified or even generalized. She makes
notes and sketches, and then these pieces puts together into a circle with smaller and smaller
radius; from its center finally appears object to become independent work without external formation.
On the contrary, to a painted portrait precedes the observation of a real person; regardless of whether
it is stored in artist's memory or if it is confronted by its real existence.
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Zabrodské Marika a Světa
Marika and Světa Zabrodska
Co-authors, colleagues, friends. A family tandem of storytellers, clothing designers, doll artists, artophists, photographers and collectors.
They create their work together.
Permanent participants of expositions and projects by Irina Myzina's Vakhtanov Doll Gallery and numerous prestigious doll art exhibitions, including:
- Moscow International Exhibition "Doll Art" (Moscow, Russia)
- International Exhibition of Dolls and Teddy Bears "Dolls Time" (St. Petersburg, Russia).
- Exhibition of collectible designer bears "TeddyFun" (St. Petersburg, Russia).
- Festival of Professional Doll Art of Europe (Riga, Latvia).
- International Salon "Fashion Doll" (Kiev, Ukraine)
- Doll Prague (Prague, Czech Republic).
- 'ART DOLL EXPO' (Hong Kong).
- "FANTANIMA" (Tokyo, Japan).
- selling exhibition of large textiles “Grand Textiles” (Moscow, Russia).
- long-term cooperation in art projects with Studio 14 (Tallinn, Estonia).
2011 - Master of doll art (Teddy Bear maker) (Moscow, Russia)
2014 - Nomination - GOLDEN GEORGE 2014 (Premium Class category) (Munster, Germany).
2018 - laureates of the 5th international competition "PANDORA PLATINUM" 2018 (Moscow, Russia).
They are regularly members of the jury at international doll art competitions and bear competitions (Russia, Ukraine, Japan).
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Zueva Anna
Anna Zueva devotes to dolls for over 20 years. Into the world of author dolls brought her long term fascination with the creation of historical costumes and interest in the creation of Russian theater artists of the early 20th century.Thanks to artistic education and many years of experience, creating dolls became her profession. Dolls by Anna Zueva are exceptional in their decorative character, individual style and focus on detail. There often appear feminine elements in original costumes, which the author makes herself up to the last detail . She very often uses contemporary materials. She uses many different technologies of work - paper-mache, a baking sculpture, ceramics. But above all, for many years now prefer paper-clay.Dolls by Anna Zueva have repeatedly won awardsin Russia - in Moscow and Siberia, as well as competing in various festivals of author dolls. In 2010, her doll "Great Water" became the winner of art dolls in Germany.The hand-made dolls by Anna Zueva are highly valued both a professional art community, as well as collectors and lovers of art dolls. Her work is found in many private collections in the world - in Europe, USA and also in exposure of several art museums.For eight years alreaedy Anna teaches doll art in Perm and other cities of Russia. In 2013, Anna Zueva became a member of the prestigious American Association of doll artists - NIADA.
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